Get to Know Me Tag!

I thought that maybe since I am starting to gain some followers I would do a get to know me tag! If you’re reading this and you have a question that I did not answer ask it in the comments! (If you’re reading this a while down the road that’s okay! Ask anyway! I will still answer you!) I will also link as much as I can find so that you can check out some of my favorites!

1) What is your pen name?

Danny Sevilen

2) Where did it come from?

I have always been obsessed with the name Danny. As you’ll see below. And I found the name Sevilen when I was trying to name my Runscape account. Ha! It means loved in Turkish!

3) How tall are you?

I am actually 4 foot 11 inches! (149.86 centimeter for my friends outside the US)

4) What is your favorite color?

My favorite color right now is probably any shade of purple. I am obessed with a sort of lavender purple and also more recently more of a red-violet-purple. Other than those, I am always obsessed with a light-baby-blue or mint green!

5) Who was your first best friend?

My first best friend was a friend from Kindergarten all the way until highschool and we still talk somtimes today! We cried together on the first day of Kindergarten and that was all we needed to become best friends.

6) Cats or Dogs?

Dogs all the way! We have 3 dogs right now and have also fostered several dogs in the past.  I would like to have a cat one day, but my husband is mildly allergic.

7) How many countries have you visited?

I have never actually been outside the United States. I believe I was taken across the border to Mexico as a baby, but that was before you needed a passport or anything.

8) Are you in/have you gone to college?

I am currently in college. I am working right now toward getting my Child Development Associate (CDA). I am about 6 months out from getting that and then I will be attending a full time University in the next few years to get a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education. I want to be a preschool teacher.

9) What was your favorite/worst subject in High School?

My favorite subject in High School would be theatre. I was kind of the quiet kid in the theatre department, but I loved it. It that doesn’t count, I love taking Anatomy my Junior year and I am also a math nerd.

My Worst subject was probably Chemisty. I am not very good with chemistry. I stuggle quite a bit with it.

10) What is your favorite drink?

I guess my favorite drink would probably be Iced Sweet Tea. I am a southern girl, and an Okie at that.

11) What is your favorite animal?

I am in love with and obsessed with foxes right now! I mean look at him!

Fox.1      Cute-Fox-and-Chick-fox-14583625-468-371

12) What is your favorite perfume?

I don’t usually wear perfume, but I usually wear a body spray from Bath & Body Works. I love the Paris Amour smell and I have always loved Moon Light Path. My new favorite smell is the Mint Coconut!

13) Tea or Coffee?

Hmm… Man that’s a hard one. I love black tea, but I also love coffee. I think I would choose tea!

14) What would you ( or have you) name(d) your children?

We do not have any children yet! We think about this all the time. I have no idea! I love a different name every month or so!

Lately I have kind of loved the name Mabel. I doubt that I would ever actually use it, but it is just so sweet.

I would also love to name any of my children Danny(Dani). I just have loved that name since I was younger. (Probably from Danny Phantom growing up. lol)

15) What sports do you play/have you played?

In Middle School I played Volleyball for my school and for various youth leagues.  I also played soccer on and off when I was younger. I do not play anything now.

16) What is your favorite book?

Of course the Bible! But also

The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle

In a Heartbeat by Loretta Ellsworth

17) Who are some of your Favorite YouTubers?

I just love love love Natalie Bennet! And of course I wouldn’t be a true Restie if I didn’t also link Nat & Wes (and the rest!). I just love how sweet their family is and that she also loves Jesus. Check her and her family out!

18) What is your favorite movie?

Jack Frost

Harry Potter Series

The Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit

19) What are some of your favorite TV Shows?

BBC Sherlock !!


Greys Anatomy

Gilmore Girls

20)  Are you Single or Taken?

I am married. So definitely taken!

21) Do you speak any different languages and how well?

I speak some Spanish. I am about a high intermediate level.

Soy de una familia que habla español la majoridad del tiempo. Quiero comprender más y tener mas confidencía cuendo lo hablo. Si hablas español y quires un blog o dos en español comenta abajo.

I also am learning ASL (American Sign Language). I am not very good yet, but I really love the Language. I can actually sign the entire song of In Christ Alone!

22) Do you have any siblings?

I have one brother who is 2 years younger than me! He was my real best friend growing up!

23) How would you describe your fashion sense?

I am very minimal. I do not dress nice all the time. I usually wear a t-shirt and jeans everywhere and my usual ideal to dress up to business casual is to wear my solid black straight leg jeans with a shirt and a cartigan.

24) What is your eye color?

Actually I have really dark brown eyes!

25) What are your favorite Disney/ Pixar Movies?

I just love Tangled!

The Emperor’s New GrooveToy Story Series

26) What is your favorite type of clothing?

If I could wear pajamas (specifically pajama pants) everywhere at all times I would be the happiest girl on the planet!

27) What are you the best at cooking?

Pot Pie Cresent Roll Braid! One of my favorites!

28) Who is your favorite actor/actress?

Benedict Cumberbatch!

29) Have you ever broken any bones?

Nope! Never broken anything! I have been to the Emergency Room three times though!

I got a metal hanger stuck in my eye when I was about 4. My elbow got dislocated when I was little. And I had to leave church camp one year because I got bronchitis and couldn’t breath very well.

30) What do you like to do in your free time?

I would love to learn how to sew more. I am wanting to get a sewing machine to learn better! I have picked up crochet a little again!

I love playing video games on my PC. The Sims. Civilization. City-skylines. and more!

I also am a total fangirl! I love talking about, role-playing, and writing fanfics for Sherlock, Harry Potter, and Supernatural!

Well there is a little about me! I hope you enjoyed it! If you would like to add a question or comment about anything I said please feel free to do so!

Thank you!

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Reformed – Salvation


And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son, in order that he might be the firstborn among his brothers. And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those ehom he justified he also glorified.

-Romans 8:28-30


You will say to me then, “Why does he still find fault? For who can resist his will?” But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?” Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use? What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, wich he has prepared beforehand for glory – even us whom he has called, not from the Jews but also from the Gentiles? As indeed he says in Hosea,

“Those who were not my people I will call ‘my people,’ and her who was not beloved I will call ‘beloved.'” “and in the very place where it is said to them, ‘You are not my people,’ there they will be called ‘sons of the living God.'”

-Romans 9:19-26


I am reformed. I believe that God’s will is perfect and that from birth we are sinful and deceitful creatures. I believe that the only way to God is through His Grace and Love. We only deserve death and eternal separation from God. There is no way we can earn or deserve this grace and forgiveness that God give us who are called. I believe that there isn’t one prayer that you could pray to become saved, but instead that through a calling by the Holy Spirit we are able to enter into God’s presence. I believe that this does not excuse us from professing God’s word and making disciples. We are called to do both. We are to be a light unto the world. Even though God has already planned who will be called, we do not know who and when the calling will be received. We must be sure to share our faith as an act of obedience.

I believe that God’s will is perfect and unsurpassable. What is in His will has or will come to be and what is not in His will is impossible. We are sinful beings that cause mayhem and destruction on this world and we do not deserved to be saved, but through his grace we can be given the faith to follow and pursue after Him.


Please comment or message me if you would like to ask or say anything about this. I am here to listen. Once again I want to say that this post is in no may meant to disrespect or diminish anyone else’s faith or beliefs. This is for me to express my beliefs so that my bloggers may come to know me and also so that they might hear the word of God.

Thank you again.

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My Beliefs


Welcome to my first real blog post!

I wanted to be upfront and open with you guys about my beliefs and faith. I am a Christian. I attend a Southern Baptist church. I myself am actually a reformed baptist.

I believe that there is one God and that He is the creator of everything. I believe that He is God and 3 in one, Father, Spirit, and Son. I believe that His will is perfect and that it will always come to pass without interference from us, as humans. I believe that God has created some as vessels of mercy and others as vessels of wrath. All that passes is to bring glory to Him.

I believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin through the Holy Spirit. He is fully man and fully human. He lived a perfect life without sin, though He went through the same trials as other humans. I believed that He performed countless miracles throughout his life that prove His power. I believe He was baptised by John the Baptist. I believe that He was crucified on a cross to take on the sins of the world and of it’s people. I believe that 3 days later He was raised from the dead to live again. I also believe that when the time came, He went back up to heaven, only to return at a time that is unknown to us and him.

I believe that Christ is the only way to salvation. We can come straight to God and do not need to have a priest or pasteur come to God for us, through the death of His Son, Jesus, we can come to God just as we are. I believe that the Holy Bible is the God-breathed and infallible scripture of God. I do not believe in one translation, but I do hold value in the more literal translations of the Bible.

I believe that Jesus’ life was an example set forth for us to follow. We are called to love others as Christ loves us and to be the example of Christ’s love to the world around us. We are to be in the world but not of it. We are saved through the calling of the Holy Spirit only, nothing we do, say, or think can get us to heaven. Only God can allow us to be in his presence and change our hearts. We are a sinful and disgraceful people and we only deserve death and pain, but God chooses to save those who He has chosen before time began through grace alone and forgiveness. God calls us to make his name known in the world so that others may come to know Him and to glorify him. We are called to make disciples in His name. We are to follow Christ’s example and be baptised in water as an example and expression of our faith to others. Those who are the chosen members of God are to express this and to remember the sacrifice Christ made for us, through the partaking of the Lord’s Supper.

I believe that God gave us the perfect example of a family when he showed us Adam and Eve. I believe the Bible is very clear that the family is meant to consist of one man and one woman.

I believe that it is not one sin that separates us from God, but instead our sinful and deceitful nature that prevents us from God.

I believe that God is a god of grace, love, honor, and power and that He deserves all glory forever.

Please feel free to ask any questions if you feel like I have left anything out that you would like to know. If you have any comments to make you can feel free to leave them.

Please know that this post is not set up to make anyone feel inferior or to disrespect what others believe. I am here to express my faith and relationship with God. If you would like to talk about this, don’t hesitate to comment or message me privately. If you are here to recognize God as your Lord and Savior please talk to your local church leader (if you attend a church) or I would be happy to talk about this with you.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would know my father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him”

Philip said to him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.”

Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Phillip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the father’? Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority, but the Father who dwells in me does his works. Believe that I am in the father and the Father is in me, or else believe on account of the works themselves.

-John 14:6-11 (ESV)

Thank you for listening bloggers!

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First Blog Post!

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to my first blog post! I am so very glad you decided to join me. I wanted to use this first post to take a second to tell you a little bit about myself and my hopes for this blog. I plan to break my blogs up into different categories so that those who are visiting for a specific blog catergory are able to see those easier than searching through everything. I plan to talk about my faith, as a Christian and my relationship with God, my lifestyle as well as tips and tricks I pick up along the way, maybe some cooking blogs here and there, and a dog mom blog. I hope to one day also have a mom blog here where we can talk about everything entailed in momhood (but we’ll wait on that one for a little while).

I am a 20 year old Christian girl from Oklahoma. I am in college part time at the moment and I hold a full-time job right now to support me and my husband. I got married August 2016 and having been loving every moment of it. My husband is definetly my bestfriend in everything I do. We love to have quiet evenings at home as much as possible. Those could entail, cooking or eating something small, spending time with the dogs, maybe watching a movie or Netflix, maybe playing on the computer. Whatever we do we always enjoy getting to spend time together at the end of the day or on a lazy weekend.

We have 3 dogs and 1 rat (I will introduce you to each one over on my dog mom blog page as well as the adventures we have with them all.

On everything I post, I would love to hear any feedback, comments, or questions you might have. Please feel free to ask anything! I will, once I begin to gain followers, probably attach my social media to this blog so that you guys can see what I am up to on more of a daily basis. I hope to post pretty frequently. I haven’t straightened out a specific schedule for this yet, mostly because there’s no real followers to keep up with yet.

Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know me a little and I hope you decide to stick around! I am toying with the idea of transferring this into more of a vlog on Youtube. Let me know your thoughts on that.

See ya around!

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